Monday, April 4, 2011

The dangers of window shopping...

Every now and then you fall in love: 
you can't help it, it's usually love at first sight... 
and then you do something completely irrational... 

Last Sunday i went to the flea market to see if i could find some chairs for my dinning room table: the idea was to look for some  miss matched  old chairs...  i saw a few (very expensive ones) i sort of liked, but they needed a lot of  work and that were not a must... 

so i continued window shopping and snooping around antique shops... when all of a sudden i saw these:

French Art Decó Walnut Night Tables 
with floral carving and a marble top 

Needless to say  i did not need them, but i measured them, asked about the price, did a quick sketch  and wrote down the details  in my moleskin, asked if i could take a picture, open and closed the doors... 

i am impulsive, 
and when i fall in love with something (and if i can afford it) 
i just lose the rational person i usually am and jump for it... 
so there i was, purchasing 2 night tables i didn't need, but absolutely felt like i had to have and completely HAPPY!!!
 (Plus they delivered them the same day!!!)

Aren't they GORGEOUS!?!?!


...who said window shopping wasn't dangerous?!?!

1 comment:

  1. so no chairs, two new bedside tables...we're gonna eat in bed next time you have us over for dinner? ;-)



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